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Funding projects

Interreg funding project under the INTERREG VI A programme Bavaria/Austria 2021 – 2027
Hop on Hop off Bustour Salzburg & Bavarian Mountains (Salzburg / Berchtesgaden / Hallein)
The HOP ON HOP OFF tour “Salzwelten, Kehlsteinhaus & historische Altstadt Hallein”, which connects Salzburg, Hallein and Berchtesgaden, is the subject of a joint, cross-border Interreg project. With the new line “Salt Mines, Kehlstein House & the Historic Old Town of Hallein” of the Hop On Hop Off Bus in Salzburg, guests not only discover beautiful and historic places in Salzburg and Hallein, but also cross the border to Germany to Berchtesgaden. This cross-border tourism project is intended to support tourism in accordance with the border region strategy of the EUREGIO Salzburg – Berchtesgadener Land – Traunstein (increase the number of visitors in the Tennengau / Hallein / Bad Dürrnberg region and in the Berchtesgaden holiday region) and at the same time lead to an equalisation of tourist flows.
The INTERREG VI A Bavaria/Austria 2021-2027 programme pursues the strategy of an innovative, sustainable economy, a resilient environment, sustainable tourism and integrated regional development – embedded in joint cross-border INTERREG governance.
Project participants:
Salzkraft Salzburger Kraftwagen Verkehrsgesellschaft m.b.H. (Leadpartner)
Mirabellplatz 2
5020 Salzburg
Tourism Association Hallein/Bad Dürrnberg
Mauttorpromenade 6
5400 Hallein
Zweckverband Bergerlebnis Berchtesgaden
Maximilianstr. 9
83471 Berchtesgaden