Salt bearers, Salzach boatmen & statues

Mining memories
When you walk through Hallein’s old town, the history of salt follows you at every turn. Made of wood, you will see it, among other things, in the form of the sculpture “Salzschiff mit Salzachschiffer” (Salt Ship with Salzach Skipper) or as the “Salzträger” (Salt Carrier). The salt bearer – a worker in the salt works – is regarded in the salt city of Hallein as the personification of the city and its citizens. That is why he also adorns the city’s coat of arms.
The “Salzträger” created by Jakob Adlhart in 1957 can be seen as a wooden sculpture in the Salzwelten. There is also a bronze salt bearer at the Schifferplatz in Hallein. You can admire the Salzach skipper on a bridge pier of the Kühbrücke between Pernerinsel and the Kleine Salzach, the bank of the right Salzach arm.